There have been occasions during my time on blogger these past few years when a blog I regularly followed suddenly "went dark," with no explanation or update from its author. It drives me crazy when that happens, as I find myself wondering about it for weeks. Did the author suddenly get bored with blogging? Get hit by a truck? Decide on a whim to abandon modern technology and go backpacking across Australia's outback?
Well, I fear I have inadvertently become one of those missing bloggers. It happened purely by accident. I moved, and although I fully intended to post updates during the transition, I got swept up in a tsunami of activity and blogging fell completely off the radar. I hope my readers will forgive my disappearance, and have patience with what will undoubtedly be infrequent posts for the remainder of the summer as we continue to get settled in.
Moving is such an ordeal! I tend to forget over time how much upheaval and work is involved. Makes me wonder how military families do it, moving every few years for an entire career. Lady, Lucky, Katie, and Lucy managed remarkably well, although there was some concern when favorite toys got packed up, and boxes and bins appeared everywhere.
I was particularly surprised at how Lucky, Katie, and Lucy took the upheaval in stride, considering that at age 12, they are all "seniors." Moving at age 11 1/2 was much more upsetting to Jessie, my former German Shepherd - so much so that a friend's daughter was specifically assigned to her on moving day, to be her support and buddy while everyone else moved boxes and furniture. I wonder if dogs (and the cat) manage change better as part of a "pack," where there are other dogs to take cues from and to provide reassurance.

Lucky and Lucy were opportunists, taking advantage of beds stacked high, and cozy comforters found in surprising locations.
Although Lucy was extremely displeased at being relegated to the bathroom during the actual move, and voiced her displeasure loudly to anyone who would listen.
But other than that, they did great and are all getting settled in at the new house. We didn't move far, just to a neighboring town, and I will be posting photos of the new place as soon as it can be seen in some way other than over and around cardboard boxes. :-)
Hope all our blogging friends are enjoying a great summer!