Thursday, November 24, 2011


I hope this day finds each of you with those you love, filled to the brim with good food and gratitude. As I was ticking items off my pre-Thanksgiving to do list yesterday, I wondered if "create a new post" would get accomplished. It was at the very bottom of the lengthy list, far below critical items like "bake the corn souffle," "walk/jog the dogs," and "clean turkey poop off sidewalk."

So, here's a quick post, with just a word of thanks for each of you who visit my blog throughout the year and share your comments with me. I feel like I know many of you, even though we have never met. Your funny and insightful comments often brighten my day, provide inspiration, give me a chuckle, and create a sense of community. When I started my blog in 2009, I never dreamed that I would "meet" so many interesting people!

Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Thank you, Brenda!
    A very Happy Thanksgiving to you too.
    Love the photos. You have a beautiful house and the color of the tree is gorgeous!
    I am so glad I found you!

  2. Hope you had a wonderful day! The weather here was gorgeous and so is that tree in front of your home. (Turkey poop eh? Wonder if it's anything like goose poop... we get a lot of that around here.)

  3. Hi Brenda,
    I am very happy today and I would like to share with you this news.
    I have a blog friend, a very nice Karin Bugge, writer and journalist from Altadena, LA , that have a great blog, Altadena Hiker and also write to the Website AltadenaPatch.
    She did two beautiful and touching articles about rescued animals and pets adotion from Thanksgiving and asks to me to sent a photo of Flora and some words to her tribute.
    And today I am so glad and honoured to see Flora's story and our photo on the Home Page of the AltadenaPatch. I think you will enjoy tho read these two articles.
    Have a plesant weekend.

  4. And a happy one to you to!!! Really enjoyed spending it with you!!!

  5. Love those big birds! Worth cleaning up after, I'd say.

  6. Hi Brenda,
    The link to the article More Tales of Pet Adoption and Creature Comforts, where you can see me and Flora is this: Giving thanks for animal rescue, Part Two.

    Have a pleasant week ahead.
