Friday, April 12, 2013

Goodbye Sweet Lucky

April 12, 2013

I am sorry to share with all of Lucky's friends the sad and shocking news that he passed away this evening. He has been the picture of health and wellbeing - we walked 3 miles last night! - and then without warning, this afternoon at around 5:15 pm he suddenly became ill. He wasn't acting like himself - oddly lethargic and he couldn't get up from the place where he'd been napping peacefully all afternoon. We took him to the vet, and by 8 pm he was gone. 

It's so sad, so unexpected. Lucky for him - he got to live a happy, active life until almost the moment he left. But hard for us. I just never expected it like this. Just a few days ago, I was watching him and marveling how at his age, he was still so healthy and active. Wow. I guess we just never know. A reminder to us all not to take anything for granted. 

Roam free, Lucky. I do believe you were probably the best dog that ever lived, trying so hard to always be a good boy. You will be missed. 


  1. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. So sad to lose such a good chum -but so lucky indeed that he was vigorous until his very last day.

    1. Thank you Elizabeth, yes, it was a real gift that there were never any "elderly, infirm" months or years. I always imagined that there would be, and knowing he was getting older used to dread the day when he would no longer be able to go on our walks and hikes. How amazing that he was able to stay active and enjoying life, right up until just the last few hours of his life.

  2. Oh Brenda, I am sorry to hear this. He was such an adorable dog. I know you and his buddies will miss him terribly. I found this quote years ago when we had to let our dear sweet Raven go:

    "We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own live within a fragile circle, easily and often breached. Unable to accept its awful gaps, we would still live no other way. We cherish memory as the only certain immortality, never fully understanding the necessary plan."
    ~ Irving Townsend – The Once Again Prince

    Bless you for giving him a safe, loving, happy home.

    Run free, Lucky!

    1. Oh my, that is a perfect quote. Thank you for sharing it! All of us who have loved, and lost, special furry family members know what it is like. Saying goodbye is part of loving, but without a doubt, the hardest part.

  3. Oh no! Oh dear Brenda... I am so very, very sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you and I read this post with tears in my eyes. Lucky was so lovely, such a special dear friend... You know that Lucky and Katie are very special to me. Both remember me so much my dear Flora. I am concern about dear Katie, she will suffer so much the loss of his dear brother. I know that Lady and Lucy will suffer too. My thoughts are with you all. May it be of comfort to you to know that you have given to dear Lucky all your love and all your care. Lucky will be sorely missed. Sending you much Love and many hugs of comfort.

    1. Sonia, I hope that Lucky and Flora have met up in the next world - then they can see face-to-face how much they look alike! Thank you for your concern for the rest of Lucky's "pack." It is interesting - when he was laying on the rug, weak and not able to get up, right before we took him to the vet - Lady, Katie, and Lucy each took a turn sniffing him. I do believe they know what happened on some level, but it is hard to tell. The next morning when we woke up, Lady looked for Lucky in the living room. And that morning, both Lady and Katie seemed kind of "subdued." But that is the only time I have noticed any reaction. Katie is her usual happy-go-lucky self, and Lady and Lucy are acting normal as well. I'm glad. It would be harder if they were moping around.

  4. I read the title and my heart immediately went soaring through cyber-space to give yours a big hug. You're absolutely right. We just never know. I'm so very, very sorry... much love to you all as you shift within the space left behind.

    1. Thank you Darla, I felt it! And I was struck by your words "as you all shift within the space left behind." That is exactly, precisely what it feels like...figuring out how things are now, without him. Although I never wanted so many dogs at once (I just have a soft heart and ended up with them all), I obviously got used to a small pack following me around. I was surprised how empty the house felt when we came home without him. And I was thinking "how can a house with two dogs and a cat feel empty??" But it did. His presence was large, and hugely absent, which was really a surprise given how quiet and "in the background" he tended to be. Thank you for your kind words.

  5. We have no words here... so sorry.

  6. Just dropping by to say hi to Lucky again... seeing Lucky bring tears to my eyes once more... Such a lovely and sweet friend you lost! Hope you're doing okay, Brenda.
    Warm hugs and much love.

  7. Oh no, Brenda I am so sorry for your loss. How heartbreaking to say goodbye and so suddenly and unexpectedly. I have not been checking in too frequently over the last month, since we lost Bear, so I am just reading this post now, but I have not forgotten in that time about your crew, they have all been on my mind. I was stunned to read the title of this post and I am so sad for you.
    You are in my thoughts. Sending hugs to all of you. xo

  8. I'm so sorry, Brenda ... what a perfect picture you chose of him with the road ahead...
