Thursday, January 19, 2012

Office Kitty

Every office should have a cat. When heart rate and blood pressure were monitored during a simulated stressful situation (participants were asked to complete challenging arthimetic problems), those with pets fared much better than those without. The article Cardiovascular Reactivity that describes this research makes for a fascinating read. Bottom line, cats are good for the health of your heart!

(They are also good for the warmth of your lap.)


  1. Warm, cuddly kitty and a wonderful view as well! I work in a windowless office with a low ceiling and poor HVAC (hot in summer, cold in winter). We lovingly refer to our section's unfortunate building location as "The Cave." Actually a cave might be nicer! :)

  2. Corbie likes to walk on the keyboard and play with the mouse cursor on the screen. HAHA!

  3. They are certainly good for MY heart - if you take into account the great aerobic exercise I get lunging after one on my lead as they run past when I'm on a walk.

    Love and licks, Winnie

  4. I agree...I can definitely vouch for both! LOL

  5. Brenda, your cat looks adorable and your office is very cozy! You also have a nice view from your window.
    Thanks for the good info about the Cardiovascular Reactivity and the Presence of Pets. I agree, cats and dogs are good for the health of our heart.
    Flora used to calm me, give to me much happiness and tranquility...
