Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Winter's Magic

Winter casts its spell over me
in this quiet, frozen place.

Last week I was consumed with wrapping, and packing.
The dogs that were bored and needed to go for a walk.
And the house payment due in five days.

This week I think about other things.
Like the color blue.


  1. oh, these pictures! i see Duluth got a lot of snow, too. we were ahead of you for a while but I think you caught up. such lovely, lovely pictures.

  2. Thanks! Glad you all enjoyed these photos too. Sometimes I feel just a bit quirky, the way I can become totally mesmerized by something as simple as an expanse of new snow....or the way a tree shadow looks cast over the snow in late afternoon.

    Oh Laurie - I found your book at Northern Lights. Only two left, and neither autographed, but at least I got it! Plan to start it as soon as I finish Cutting For Stone.

  3. Love it! Now I feel late.....
